How We Work
Client relationships operate as creative partnerships at Crawford Mikus. We depend on client collaboration and
teamwork to improve our creative outputs. We are committed to six collaborative processes that assure client
participation and client satisfaction for each creative milestone.
Clients benefit from a higher level of engagement with the senior principals of the agency. Clients are free to bring a range of their own team members to the process. Additionally, Crawford Mikus is comfortable working with any functional group in the client organization, including marketing, finance, sales, operations, human resources and customer service.
Crawford Mikus recognizes that it is important to consider all appropriate strategies and all appropriate stakeholder perspectives. Crawford Mikus is experienced and skilled at recognizing the perspectives of the functional groups cited as well as the external audiences that include customers, consumers, analysts, regulators and compliance agencies.
In the early stages of the creative process Crawford/Mikus/Roehl works with client subject matter experts to explore creative options with the internal team of designers and copywriters. This type of exploration allows clients to give directional input and provide a check on logic—without the need to select or commit.
Collaboration allows clients to choose a creative direction and to select options for creative expression. Crawford Mikus recognizes that the previous steps for inclusion and consideration may come back into play during the selection process, because it is important to understand and confirm the perspectives of all appropriate client stakeholder groups, including internal functional groups and external target audiences.
Selected concepts are always developed in an open environment at Crawford Mikus. We report our progress regularly, so clients can easily track all implementation activities. Onsite visits are welcome, and clients are free to provide input and oversight at the level they find comfortable.
Collaboration is the foundation for continuous improvement, so each project is analyzed and discussed with client partners to assure that success is measured against original program objectives. We confirm that our near-term results are in line with overall client strategies, and we solicit feedback for the next round of work. Using project results and feedback to bring the creative process back to the starting point is part of the payoff for true collaboration—as well as the basis for our “circular branding solutions.”
Information Architecture
Reach a Wider World
Our society is in transition. We find ourselves in the midst of an information-based economy, producing and consuming information at a phenomenal rate. Content can be shared through a variety of print and electronic media, and the sheer volume of information is overwhelming.
Your competitive position in the marketplace is based on your ability to break through the clutter of information and deliver your messages to a diverse audience of customers, prospects and stakeholders. You need superior communication strategies, consistent messages and flawless execution to reach a wider world.
Excelling in A Competitive Environment
With Crawford/Mikus Design as your partner, you will command attention, increase the visibility of your organization and drive your business goals. We’ll convert your goals into communication strategies and
e-solutions that will establish your visual voice, build a winning brand and allow you to excel in a competitive environment. We’ll combine our knowledge, experience and proven processes to get bottom line results and deliver a direct return on your investment.